
Source code for finetuning_scheduler.fts

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Fine-Tuning Scheduler

Used to implement flexible fine-tuning training schedules

import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Union

import pytorch_lightning as pl
from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import BaseFinetuning
from pytorch_lightning.trainer.states import TrainerFn
from pytorch_lightning.utilities import _StrategyType, rank_zero_info
from pytorch_lightning.utilities.exceptions import MisconfigurationException
from pytorch_lightning.utilities.rank_zero import rank_zero_debug, rank_zero_warn
from torch.optim.optimizer import Optimizer

from finetuning_scheduler.fts_supporters import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class FinetuningScheduler(BaseFinetuning, ScheduleImplMixin, ScheduleParsingMixin, CallbackDepMixin): r""" This callback enables flexible, multi-phase, scheduled fine-tuning of foundational models. Gradual unfreezing/thawing can help maximize foundational model knowledge retention while allowing (typically upper layers of) the model to optimally adapt to new tasks during transfer learning. :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler` orchestrates the gradual unfreezing of models via a fine-tuning schedule that is either implicitly generated (the default) or explicitly provided by the user (more computationally efficient). Fine-tuning phase transitions are driven by :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts_supporters.FTSEarlyStopping` criteria (a multi-phase extension of :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.callbacks.early_stopping.EarlyStopping`), user-specified epoch transitions or a composition of the two (the default mode). A :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler` training session completes when the final phase of the schedule has its stopping criteria met. See :ref:`Early Stopping<common/early_stopping:Early stopping>` for more details on that callback's configuration. Schedule definition is facilitated via :meth:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts_supporters.ScheduleImplMixin.gen_ft_schedule` which dumps a default fine-tuning schedule (by default using a naive, 2-parameters per level heuristic) which can be adjusted as desired by the user and subsuquently passed to the callback. Implicit fine-tuning mode generates the default schedule and proceeds to fine-tune according to the generated schedule. Implicit fine-tuning will often be less computationally efficient than explicit fine-tuning but can often serve as a good baseline for subsquent explicit schedule refinement and can marginally outperform many explicit schedules. Example:: from pytorch_lightning import Trainer from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import FinetuningScheduler trainer = Trainer(callbacks=[FinetuningScheduler()]) """ def __init__( self, ft_schedule: Optional[Union[str, dict]] = None, max_depth: int = -1, base_max_lr: float = 1e-5, restore_best: bool = True, gen_ft_sched_only: bool = False, epoch_transitions_only: bool = False, reinit_lr_cfg: Optional[Dict] = None, allow_untested: bool = False, apply_lambdas_new_pgs: bool = False, ): r""" Define and configure a scheduled fine-tuning training session. Args: ft_schedule: The fine-tuning schedule to be executed. Usually will be a .yaml file path but can also be a properly structured Dict. See :ref:`Specifying a Fine-Tuning Schedule<index:Specifying a fine-tuning schedule>` for the basic schedule format. See :ref:`LR Scheduler Reinitialization<explicit-lr-reinitialization-schedule>` for more complex schedule configurations (including per-phase LR scheduler reinitialization). If a schedule is not provided, will generate and execute a default fine-tuning schedule using the provided :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.module.LightningModule`. See :ref:`the default schedule<index:The Default Fine-Tuning Schedule>`. Defaults to ``None``. max_depth: Maximum schedule depth to which the defined fine-tuning schedule should be executed. Specifying -1 or an integer > (number of defined schedule layers) will result in the entire fine-tuning schedule being executed. Defaults to -1. base_max_lr: The default maximum learning rate to use for the parameter groups associated with each scheduled fine-tuning depth if not explicitly specified in the fine-tuning schedule. If overridden to ``None``, will be set to the ``lr`` of the first scheduled fine-tuning depth scaled by 1e-1. Defaults to 1e-5. restore_best: If ``True``, restore the best available (defined by the :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts_supporters.FTSCheckpoint`) checkpoint before fine-tuning depth transitions. Defaults to ``True``. gen_ft_sched_only: If ``True``, generate the default fine-tuning schedule to ``Trainer.log_dir`` (it will be named after your :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.module.LightningModule` subclass with the suffix ``_ft_schedule.yaml``) and exit without training. Typically used to generate a default schedule that will be adjusted by the user before training. Defaults to ``False``. epoch_transitions_only: If ``True``, use epoch-driven stopping criteria exclusively (rather than composing :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts_supporters.FTSEarlyStopping` and epoch-driven criteria which is the default). If using this mode, an epoch-driven transition (``max_transition_epoch`` >= 0) must be specified for each phase. If unspecified, ``max_transition_epoch`` defaults to -1 for each phase which signals the application of :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts_supporters.FTSEarlyStopping` criteria only. epoch_transitions_only defaults to ``False``. reinit_lr_cfg: A lr scheduler reinitialization configuration dictionary consisting of at minimum a nested ``lr_scheduler_init`` dictionary with a ``class_path`` key specifying the class of the :class:`~torch.optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler` to be instantiated. Optionally, an ``init_args`` dictionary of arguments to initialize the lr scheduler with may be included. Additionally, one may optionally include arguments to pass to PyTorch Lightning's lr scheduler configuration :class:`~pytorch_lightning.utilities.types.LRSchedulerConfig` in the ``pl_lrs_cfg`` dictionary. By way of example, one could configure this dictionary via the :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.utilities.cli.LightningCLI` with the following: .. code-block:: yaml reinit_lr_cfg: lr_scheduler_init: class_path: torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR init_args: step_size: 1 gamma: 0.7 pl_lrs_cfg: interval: epoch frequency: 1 name: Implicit_Reinit_LR_Scheduler allow_untested: If ``True``, allows the use of custom or unsupported training strategies (e.g. ``single_tpu``, ``MyCustomStrategy``). Defaults to ``False``. .. note:: Custom or officially unsupported strategies can be used by setting :paramref:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler.allow_untested` to ``True``. Some officially unsupported strategies may work unaltered and are only unsupported due to the ``Fine-Tuning Scheduler`` project's lack of CI/testing resources for that strategy (e.g. ``single_tpu``). Most unsupported strategies, however, are currently unsupported because they require varying degrees of modification to be compatible (e.g. ``deepspeed`` requires an ``add_param_group`` method, ``tpu_spawn`` an override of the current broadcast method to include python objects). apply_lambdas_new_pgs: If ``True``, applies most recent lambda in ``lr_lambdas`` list to newly added optimizer groups for lr schedulers that have a ``lr_lambdas`` attribute. Note this option only applies to phases without reinitialized lr schedulers. Phases with defined lr scheduler reinitialization configs will always apply the specified lambdas. Defaults to ``False``. Attributes: _fts_state: The internal :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler` state. """ super().__init__() self._fts_state = FTSState() self.max_depth = max_depth self.restore_best = restore_best self.ft_schedule = ft_schedule self.base_max_lr = base_max_lr self.gen_ft_sched_only = gen_ft_sched_only self.epoch_transitions_only = epoch_transitions_only self.reinit_lr_cfg = reinit_lr_cfg self.allow_untested = allow_untested self.apply_lambdas_new_pgs = apply_lambdas_new_pgs self.pl_module: pl.LightningModule @property def curr_depth(self) -> int: """Index of the fine-tuning schedule depth currently being trained. Returns: int: The index of the current fine-tuning training depth """ return self._fts_state._curr_depth @property def depth_remaining(self) -> int: """Remaining number of fine-tuning training levels in the schedule. Returns: int: The number of remaining fine-tuning training levels """ return max(self.max_depth - self._fts_state._curr_depth, 0) @staticmethod def _supported_strategy_types() -> Sequence[Union[_StrategyType, str]]: return ( _StrategyType.DP, _StrategyType.DDP, _StrategyType.DDP_SPAWN, # _StrategyType.DEEPSPEED, # support to be re-evaluated if add optimizer pg functionality added to DS API _StrategyType.DDP_SHARDED, _StrategyType.DDP_SHARDED_SPAWN, "single_device", )
[docs] def freeze_before_training(self, pl_module: "pl.LightningModule") -> None: """Freezes all model parameters so that parameter subsets can be subsequently thawed according to the fine- tuning schedule. Args: pl_module (:external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.module.LightningModule`): The target :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.module.LightningModule` to freeze parameters of """ self.freeze(modules=pl_module)
[docs] def step(self) -> None: """Prepare and execute the next scheduled fine-tuning level 1. Restore the current best model checkpoint if appropriate 2. Thaw model parameters according the the defined schedule 3. Synchronize the states of :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.loops.FitLoop` and :attr:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler._fts_state` .. note:: The :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler` callback initially only supports single-schedule/optimizer fine-tuning configurations """ assert self.pl_module.trainer is not None if not self._fts_state._resume_fit_from_ckpt: if self.restore_best: self.restore_best_ckpt() self.step_pg(depth=self.curr_depth, optimizer=self.pl_module.trainer.optimizers[0]) else: self.step_pg(depth=self.curr_depth, optimizer=self.pl_module.trainer.optimizers[0], depth_sync=False) else: self.thaw_to_depth() if self.depth_remaining == 0 and not self.epoch_transitions_only: assert self.pl_module.trainer.early_stopping_callback is not None self.pl_module.trainer.early_stopping_callback.final_phase = True # type: ignore[attr-defined] assert self._fts_state._ft_sync_objects is not None FinetuningScheduler.sync(self._fts_state._ft_sync_objects, self._fts_state._ft_sync_props) rank_zero_info(f"Multi-phase fine-tuned training continuing at level {self.curr_depth}.")
[docs] def step_pg(self, optimizer: Optimizer, depth: int, depth_sync: bool = True) -> None: """Configure optimizer parameter groups for the next scheduled fine-tuning level, adding parameter groups beyond the restored optimizer state up to :paramref:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler.current_depth` Args: optimizer (:class:`~torch.optim.Optimizer`): The :class:`~torch.optim.Optimizer` to which parameter groups will be configured and added. depth: The maximum index of the fine-tuning schedule for which to configure the optimizer parameter groups. depth_sync: If ``True``, configure optimizer parameter groups for all depth indices greater than the restored checkpoint. If ``False``, configure groups only for the specified depth. Defaults to ``True``. """ next_tl: Dict = {} assert isinstance(self.ft_schedule, dict) assert isinstance(self.pl_module, pl.LightningModule) assert isinstance(self.pl_module.trainer, pl.Trainer) if depth_sync: thaw_layers = {d: l for d, l in self.ft_schedule.items() if d > self._fts_state._best_ckpt_depth}.items() else: thaw_layers = {depth: self.ft_schedule[depth]}.items() for i, next_tl in thaw_layers: if i <= depth: _, self._fts_state._curr_thawed_params = FinetuningScheduler.exec_ft_phase( self.pl_module, thaw_pl=next_tl["params"] ) FinetuningScheduler.add_optimizer_groups( module=self.pl_module, optimizer=optimizer, thawed_pl=next_tl["params"], lr=next_tl["lr"], no_decay=getattr(self.pl_module, "no_decay", None), apply_lambdas=self.apply_lambdas_new_pgs, ) new_scheduler_cfg = self.reinit_lr_cfg or next_tl.get("new_lr_scheduler", None) if new_scheduler_cfg: self.reinit_lr_scheduler( new_lr_scheduler=new_scheduler_cfg, trainer=self.pl_module.trainer, optimizer=optimizer ) else: for config in self.pl_module.trainer.lr_scheduler_configs: show_warn_lambdas = ( hasattr(config.scheduler, "lr_lambdas") and config.scheduler.lr_lambdas[-1] is not None # type: ignore[union-attr] and not self.apply_lambdas_new_pgs ) if show_warn_lambdas: rank_zero_warn( "The lr scheduler used in this phase has lr_lambdas but will use a " "configured lr for new parameter groups because `apply_lambdas_new_pgs` is " "set to the default of `False`. If you would like new groups to have lr " "lambdas applied, set `apply_lambdas_new_pgs` to `True`." )
[docs] def restore_best_ckpt(self) -> None: """Restore the current best model checkpoint, according to :paramref:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts_supporters.FTSCheckpoint.best_model_path`""" assert self.pl_module.trainer is not None # wait for all processes to be ready to restore ckpt before restoring self.pl_module.trainer.strategy.barrier("setup_next_level") # if restarting across multiple depths, need to ensure we're restoring optimizer state appropriately # by resetting optimizer groups and allowing state dict to be reset commensurate w/ ckpt state for opt_idx, optimizer in enumerate(self.pl_module.trainer.optimizers): optimizer.param_groups = BaseFinetuning._apply_mapping_to_param_groups( self._fts_state._fts_ckpt_metadata["best_ckpt_pgs"][opt_idx], dict(self.pl_module.named_parameters()) ) # we're restoring everything but callbacks and loops, otherwise, checkpoint_connector.restore() could be used assert self.pl_module.trainer.checkpoint_callback is not None checkpoint_path = self.pl_module.trainer.checkpoint_callback.best_model_path # type: ignore[attr-defined] self.pl_module.trainer._checkpoint_connector.resume_start(checkpoint_path=checkpoint_path) self.pl_module.trainer._checkpoint_connector.restore_datamodule() self.pl_module.trainer._checkpoint_connector.restore_model() # we need to override checkpoint_connector.restore_training_state() to bypass loop restoration # if additional customizations are required, may make sense to subclass CheckpointConnector at some point self._restore_training_state() self.pl_module.trainer._checkpoint_connector.resume_end()
def _restore_training_state(self) -> None: """Restore training state without restoring loops from the pre-loaded checkpoint. This includes the precision settings, optimizer states and learning rate scheduler states. """ assert self.pl_module is not None and self.pl_module.trainer is not None checkpoint_connector = self.pl_module.trainer._checkpoint_connector # restore precision plugin (scaler etc.) checkpoint_connector.restore_precision_plugin_state() # checkpoint_connector.restore_training_state() would restore loops here # self.restore_loops() assert self.pl_module.trainer.state.fn is not None if self.pl_module.trainer.state.fn == TrainerFn.FITTING: try: # restore optimizers and schedulers state checkpoint_connector.restore_optimizers_and_schedulers() except KeyError: assert isinstance(self.ft_schedule, dict) if self.ft_schedule[self.curr_depth].get("new_lr_scheduler", None): rank_zero_warn( "incompatible checkpoint detected but attempting to proceed with next phase of training since " "we're reinitializing the lr scheduler." )
[docs] def setup(self, trainer: "pl.Trainer", pl_module: "pl.LightningModule", stage: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Validate a compatible :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.strategies.Strategy` strategy is being used and ensure all :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler` callback dependencies are met. If a valid configuration is present, then either dump the default fine-tuning schedule OR 1. configure the :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts_supporters.FTSEarlyStopping` callback (if relevant) 2. initialize the :attr:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler._fts_state` 3. freeze the target :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.module.LightningModule` parameters Finally, initialize the :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler` training session in the training environment. Args: trainer (:external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer`): The :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer` object pl_module (:external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.module.LightningModule`): The :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.module.LightningModule` object stage: The ``RunningStage.{SANITY_CHECKING,TRAINING,VALIDATING}``. Defaults to None. Raises: SystemExit: Gracefully exit before training if only generating and not executing a fine-tuning schedule. MisconfigurationException: If the :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.strategies.Strategy` strategy being used is not currently compatible with the :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler` callback. """ trainer.callbacks, added_es_fts, added_ckpt_fts = self._configure_callback_deps(trainer) strategy = trainer.strategy # if we added callbacks for the user after the setup hooks loop was initiated from trainer, we'll need to # explicitly call the setup hooks for those added callbacks if added_ckpt_fts: trainer.checkpoint_callback.setup(trainer, pl_module, stage) # type: ignore[union-attr] if added_es_fts: trainer.early_stopping_callback.setup(trainer, pl_module, stage) # type: ignore[union-attr] assert pl_module is not None and pl_module.trainer is not None supported = [t.lower() for t in self._supported_strategy_types()] if strategy.strategy_name and strategy.strategy_name not in supported: # type: ignore[attr-defined] if not self.allow_untested: raise MisconfigurationException( "FTS is has not yet been adapted for or rigorously tested using the specified distributed strategy." f" Please select from currently compatible distributed strategies ({supported}) or if you would" " like to attempt to use the currently specified strategy, pass ``allow_untested=True`` to the" " FinetuningScheduler callback when adding it." ) else: warn_msg = ( "Allowing untested strategy" f" '{strategy.strategy_name}' because ``allow_untested`` is ``True``." # type: ignore[attr-defined] ) rank_zero_warn(warn_msg) if self.gen_ft_sched_only: if trainer.is_global_zero: assert trainer.log_dir is not None _ = self.gen_ft_schedule(pl_module, trainer.log_dir)"Bypassing training, generating fine-tuning schedule for review and subsequent fine-tuning") raise SystemExit() else: if not self.epoch_transitions_only: assert isinstance(trainer.early_stopping_callback, FTSEarlyStopping) trainer.early_stopping_callback.final_phase = False trainer.early_stopping_callback.es_phase_complete = False self._fts_state._ft_sync_objects = pl_module.trainer.fit_loop, self._fts_state if trainer.ckpt_path: self._fts_state._resume_fit_from_ckpt = True self.freeze_before_training(pl_module) self.pl_module = pl_module # save pl_module ref for downstream configuration convenience self.init_fts()
[docs] def on_fit_start(self, trainer: "pl.Trainer", pl_module: "pl.LightningModule") -> None: """Before beginning training, ensure an optimizer configuration supported by :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler` is present. Args: trainer (:external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer`): The :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer` object pl_module (:external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.module.LightningModule`): The :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.module.LightningModule` object Raises: MisconfigurationException: If more than 1 optimizers are configured indicates a configuration error """ if len(trainer.optimizers) > 1: raise MisconfigurationException("fts currently only supports a single-optimizer configuration") super().on_fit_start(trainer, pl_module)
[docs] def state_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Before saving a checkpoint, add the :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler` callback state to be saved. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: The :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler` callback state dictionary that will be added to the checkpoint """ assert self.pl_module is not None and self.pl_module.trainer is not None trainer = self.pl_module.trainer checkpoint_callback = trainer.checkpoint_callback if checkpoint_callback.current_score == checkpoint_callback.best_model_score: # type: ignore[union-attr] self._fts_state._best_ckpt_depth = self._fts_state._curr_depth for opt_idx, _ in enumerate(trainer.optimizers): self._fts_state._fts_ckpt_metadata["best_ckpt_pgs"][opt_idx] = deepcopy( self._internal_optimizer_metadata[opt_idx] ) self._fts_state._fts_ckpt_metadata["current_ckpt_depth"] = self._fts_state._curr_depth self._fts_state._fts_ckpt_metadata["best_ckpt_depth"] = self._fts_state._best_ckpt_depth return { "internal_optimizer_metadata": self._internal_optimizer_metadata, "fts_metadata": self._fts_state._fts_ckpt_metadata, }
[docs] def load_state_dict(self, state_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """After loading a checkpoint, load the saved :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler` callback state and update the current callback state accordingly. Args: state_dict: The :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler` callback state dictionary that will be loaded from the checkpoint """ self._restarting = True self._internal_optimizer_metadata = state_dict["internal_optimizer_metadata"] self._fts_state._fts_ckpt_metadata = state_dict["fts_metadata"] if self._fts_state._resume_fit_from_ckpt: # if resuming training, on_fit_start will already be called # if resuming from a checkpoint, we need to update current fts depth from the used ckpt self._fts_state._curr_depth = self._fts_state._fts_ckpt_metadata["current_ckpt_depth"] # if we're restoring from a non-best ckpt depth, ensure it is the new training incarnation's initial best self._fts_state._best_ckpt_depth = self._fts_state._fts_ckpt_metadata["current_ckpt_depth"]
[docs] def should_transition(self, trainer: "pl.Trainer") -> bool: """Phase transition logic is contingent on whether we are composing :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts_supporters.FTSEarlyStopping` criteria with epoch-driven transition constraints or exclusively using epoch-driven transition scheduling. (i.e., :attr:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler.epoch_transitions_only` is ``True``) Args: trainer (:external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer`): The :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer` object """ assert self.pl_module is not None assert isinstance(self.ft_schedule, Dict) early_stopping_callback = trainer.early_stopping_callback curr_max_epoch = ( self.ft_schedule[self.curr_depth]["max_transition_epoch"] if self.depth_remaining > 0 else trainer.fit_loop.max_epochs ) if not self.epoch_transitions_only: # if we're considering FTSEarlyStopping criteria assert early_stopping_callback is not None is_final_phase = early_stopping_callback.final_phase # type: ignore[attr-defined] epoch_driven_transition = ( True if not is_final_phase and (0 <= curr_max_epoch <= trainer.current_epoch) else False ) if early_stopping_callback.es_phase_complete or epoch_driven_transition: # type: ignore[attr-defined] phase_transition = True else: phase_transition = False else: # we're only considering epoch-driven transition constraints phase_transition = True if 0 <= curr_max_epoch <= trainer.current_epoch else False return phase_transition
[docs] def on_train_epoch_start(self, trainer: "pl.Trainer", pl_module: "pl.LightningModule") -> None: """Before beginning a training epoch, configure the internal :attr:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler._fts_state`, prepare the next scheduled fine-tuning level and store the updated optimizer configuration before continuing training Args: trainer (:external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer`): The :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer` object pl_module (:external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.module.LightningModule`): The :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.module.LightningModule` object """ # if resuming from a ckpt, we need to sync fts_state if self._fts_state._resume_fit_from_ckpt: self.step() self._fts_state._resume_fit_from_ckpt = False # increment ft_epoch on each train epoch if trainer.current_epoch > 0: assert self._fts_state._ft_sync_objects is not None self.sync(self._fts_state._ft_sync_objects, self._fts_state._ft_sync_props) if self.should_transition(trainer): self._fts_state._curr_depth += 1 # increment depth self.step() rank_zero_debug( f"Current parameters thawed by the Fine-Tuning Scheduler: {self._fts_state._curr_thawed_params}. " f"Current depth is {self.curr_depth}." ) if not self.epoch_transitions_only: assert isinstance(trainer.early_stopping_callback, FTSEarlyStopping) trainer.early_stopping_callback.es_phase_complete = False trainer.early_stopping_callback.wait_count = 0 if self.depth_remaining == 0: if not self.epoch_transitions_only: assert isinstance(trainer.early_stopping_callback, FTSEarlyStopping) trainer.early_stopping_callback.final_phase = True # capture optimizer config for all optimizers (though initially we'll only support a single optimizer) for opt_idx, optimizer in enumerate(trainer.optimizers): num_saved_groups = ( len(self._internal_optimizer_metadata[opt_idx]) if opt_idx in self._internal_optimizer_metadata else 0 ) current_param_groups = optimizer.param_groups self._store(pl_module, opt_idx, num_saved_groups, current_param_groups)
[docs] def on_before_zero_grad(self, trainer: "pl.Trainer", pl_module: "pl.LightningModule", optimizer: Optimizer) -> None: """Afer the latest optimizer step, update the :attr:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler._fts_state`, incrementing the global fine-tuning steps taken Args: trainer (:external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer`): The :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer` object pl_module (:external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.module.LightningModule`): The :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.module.LightningModule` object optimizer (:class:`~torch.optim.Optimizer`): The :class:`~torch.optim.Optimizer` to which parameter groups will be configured and added. """ self._fts_state._ft_global_steps += 1
[docs] def on_train_end(self, trainer: "pl.Trainer", pl_module: "pl.LightningModule") -> None: """Synchronize internal :attr:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler._fts_state` on end of training to ensure final training state is consistent with epoch semantics. Args: trainer (:external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer`): _description_ pl_module (:external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.module.LightningModule`): _description_ """ assert self._fts_state._ft_sync_objects is not None self.sync(self._fts_state._ft_sync_objects, self._fts_state._ft_sync_props)

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