
Source code for finetuning_scheduler.fts

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Finetuning Scheduler

Used to implement flexible finetuning training schedules

import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Union

import pytorch_lightning as pl
from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import BaseFinetuning
from pytorch_lightning.trainer.states import TrainerFn
from pytorch_lightning.utilities import _StrategyType, rank_zero_info
from pytorch_lightning.utilities.exceptions import MisconfigurationException
from pytorch_lightning.utilities.rank_zero import rank_zero_debug, rank_zero_warn
from torch.optim.optimizer import Optimizer

from finetuning_scheduler.fts_supporters import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class FinetuningScheduler(BaseFinetuning, ScheduleImplMixin, ScheduleParsingMixin, CallbackDepMixin): r""" This callback enables flexible, multi-phase, scheduled finetuning of foundational models. Gradual unfreezing/thawing can help maximize foundational model knowledge retention while allowing (typically upper layers of) the model to optimally adapt to new tasks during transfer learning. :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler` orchestrates the gradual unfreezing of models via a finetuning schedule that is either implicitly generated (the default) or explicitly provided by the user (more computationally efficient). Finetuning phase transitions are driven by :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts_supporters.FTSEarlyStopping` criteria (a multi-phase extension of :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.callbacks.early_stopping.EarlyStopping`), user-specified epoch transitions or a composition of the two (the default mode). A :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler` training session completes when the final phase of the schedule has its stopping criteria met. See :ref:`Early Stopping<common/early_stopping:Early stopping>` for more details on that callback's configuration. Schedule definition is facilitated via :meth:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts_supporters.ScheduleImplMixin.gen_ft_schedule` which dumps a default finetuning schedule (by default using a naive, 2-parameters per level heuristic) which can be adjusted as desired by the user and subsuquently passed to the callback. Implicit finetuning mode generates the default schedule and proceeds to finetune according to the generated schedule. Implicit finetuning will often be less computationally efficient than explicit finetuning but can often serve as a good baseline for subsquent explicit schedule refinement and can marginally outperform many explicit schedules. Example:: from pytorch_lightning import Trainer from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import FinetuningScheduler trainer = Trainer(callbacks=[FinetuningScheduler()]) """ def __init__( self, ft_schedule: Optional[Union[str, dict]] = None, max_depth: int = -1, base_max_lr: float = 1e-5, restore_best: bool = True, gen_ft_sched_only: bool = False, epoch_transitions_only: bool = False, reinit_lr_cfg: Optional[Dict] = None, allow_untested: bool = False, ): r""" Define and configure a scheduled finetuning training session. Args: ft_schedule: The finetuning schedule to be executed. Usually will be a .yaml file path but can also be a properly structured Dict. See :ref:`Specifying a Finetuning Schedule<index:Specifying a Finetuning Schedule>` for the basic schedule format. See :ref:`LR Scheduler Reinitialization<explicit-lr-reinitialization-schedule>` for more complex schedule configurations (including per-phase LR scheduler reinitialization). If a schedule is not provided, will generate and execute a default finetuning schedule using the provided :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.lightning.LightningModule`. See :ref:`the default schedule<index:The Default Finetuning Schedule>`. Defaults to ``None``. max_depth: Maximum schedule depth to which the defined finetuning schedule should be executed. Specifying -1 or an integer > (number of defined schedule layers) will result in the entire finetuning schedule being executed. Defaults to -1. base_max_lr: The default maximum learning rate to use for the parameter groups associated with each scheduled finetuning depth if not explicitly specified in the finetuning schedule. If overridden to ``None``, will be set to the ``lr`` of the first scheduled finetuning depth scaled by 1e-1. Defaults to 1e-5. restore_best: If ``True``, restore the best available (defined by the :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts_supporters.FTSCheckpoint`) checkpoint before finetuning depth transitions. Defaults to ``True``. gen_ft_sched_only: If ``True``, generate the default finetuning schedule to ``Trainer.log_dir`` (it will be named after your :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.lightning.LightningModule` subclass with the suffix ``_ft_schedule.yaml``) and exit without training. Typically used to generate a default schedule that will be adjusted by the user before training. Defaults to ``False``. epoch_transitions_only: If ``True``, use epoch-driven stopping criteria exclusively (rather than composing :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts_supporters.FTSEarlyStopping` and epoch-driven criteria which is the default). If using this mode, an epoch-driven transition (``max_transition_epoch`` >= 0) must be specified for each phase. If unspecified, ``max_transition_epoch`` defaults to -1 for each phase which signals the application of :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts_supporters.FTSEarlyStopping` criteria only. epoch_transitions_only defaults to ``False``. reinit_lr_cfg: A lr scheduler reinitialization configuration dictionary consisting of at minimum a nested ``lr_scheduler_init`` dictionary with a ``class_path`` key specifying the class of the :class:`~torch.optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler` to be instantiated. Optionally, an ``init_args`` dictionary of arguments to initialize the lr scheduler with may be included. Additionally, one may optionally include arguments to pass to PyTorch Lightning's lr scheduler configuration :class:`~pytorch_lightning.utilities.types.LRSchedulerConfig` in the ``pl_lrs_cfg`` dictionary. By way of example, one could configure this dictionary via the :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.utilities.cli.LightningCLI` with the following: .. code-block:: yaml reinit_lr_cfg: lr_scheduler_init: class_path: torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR init_args: step_size: 1 gamma: 0.7 pl_lrs_cfg: interval: epoch frequency: 1 name: Implicit_Reinit_LR_Scheduler allow_untested: If ``True``, allows the use of custom or unsupported training strategies (e.g. ``single_tpu``, ``MyCustomStrategy``). Defaults to ``False``. .. note:: Custom or officially unsupported strategies can be used by setting :paramref:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler.allow_untested` to ``True``. Some officially unsupported strategies may work unaltered and are only unsupported due to the ``Finetuning Scheduler`` project's lack of CI/testing resources for that strategy (e.g. ``single_tpu``). Most unsupported strategies, however, are currently unsupported because they require varying degrees of modification to be compatible (e.g. ``deepspeed`` requires an ``add_param_group`` method, ``tpu_spawn`` an override of the current broadcast method to include python objects). Attributes: _fts_state: The internal finetuning scheduler state. """ super().__init__() self._fts_state = FTSState() self.max_depth = max_depth self.restore_best = restore_best self.ft_schedule = ft_schedule self.base_max_lr = base_max_lr self.gen_ft_sched_only = gen_ft_sched_only self.epoch_transitions_only = epoch_transitions_only self.reinit_lr_cfg = reinit_lr_cfg self.allow_untested = allow_untested self.pl_module: pl.LightningModule @property def curr_depth(self) -> int: """Index of the finetuning schedule depth currently being trained. Returns: int: The index of the current finetuning training depth """ return self._fts_state._curr_depth @property def depth_remaining(self) -> int: """Remaining number of finetuning training levels in the schedule. Returns: int: The number of remaining finetuning training levels """ return max(self.max_depth - self._fts_state._curr_depth, 0) @staticmethod def _supported_strategy_types() -> Sequence[Union[_StrategyType, str]]: return ( _StrategyType.DP, _StrategyType.DDP, _StrategyType.DDP_SPAWN, # _StrategyType.DEEPSPEED, # support to be re-evaluated if add optimizer pg functionality added to DS API _StrategyType.DDP_SHARDED, _StrategyType.DDP_SHARDED_SPAWN, "single_device", )
[docs] def freeze_before_training(self, pl_module: "pl.LightningModule") -> None: """Freezes all model parameters so that parameter subsets can be subsequently thawed according to the finetuning schedule. Args: pl_module (:external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.lightning.LightningModule`): The target :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.lightning.LightningModule` to freeze parameters of """ self.freeze(modules=pl_module)
[docs] def step(self) -> None: """Prepare and execute the next scheduled finetuning level 1. Restore the current best model checkpoint if appropriate 2. Thaw model parameters according the the defined schedule 3. Synchronize the states of :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.loops.FitLoop` and :attr:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler._fts_state` .. note:: The :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler` callback initially only supports single-schedule/optimizer finetuning configurations """ assert self.pl_module.trainer is not None if not self._fts_state._resume_fit_from_ckpt: if self.restore_best: self.restore_best_ckpt() self.step_pg(depth=self.curr_depth, optimizer=self.pl_module.trainer.optimizers[0]) else: self.step_pg(depth=self.curr_depth, optimizer=self.pl_module.trainer.optimizers[0], depth_sync=False) else: self.thaw_to_depth() if self.depth_remaining == 0 and not self.epoch_transitions_only: assert self.pl_module.trainer.early_stopping_callback is not None self.pl_module.trainer.early_stopping_callback.final_phase = True # type: ignore[attr-defined] assert self._fts_state._ft_sync_objects is not None FinetuningScheduler.sync(self._fts_state._ft_sync_objects, self._fts_state._ft_sync_props) rank_zero_info(f"Multi-phase fine-tuned training continuing at level {self.curr_depth}.")
[docs] def step_pg(self, optimizer: Optimizer, depth: int, depth_sync: bool = True) -> None: """Configure optimizer parameter groups for the next scheduled finetuning level, adding parameter groups beyond the restored optimizer state up to :paramref:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler.current_depth` Args: optimizer (:class:`~torch.optim.Optimizer`): The :class:`~torch.optim.Optimizer` to which parameter groups will be configured and added. depth: The maximum index of the finetuning schedule for which to configure the optimizer parameter groups. depth_sync: If ``True``, configure optimizer parameter groups for all depth indices greater than the restored checkpoint. If ``False``, configure groups only for the specified depth. Defaults to ``True``. """ next_tl: Dict = {} assert isinstance(self.ft_schedule, dict) assert isinstance(self.pl_module, pl.LightningModule) assert isinstance(self.pl_module.trainer, pl.Trainer) if depth_sync: thaw_layers = {d: l for d, l in self.ft_schedule.items() if d > self._fts_state._best_ckpt_depth}.items() else: thaw_layers = {depth: self.ft_schedule[depth]}.items() for i, next_tl in thaw_layers: if i <= depth: _, self._fts_state._curr_thawed_params = FinetuningScheduler.exec_ft_phase( self.pl_module, thaw_pl=next_tl["params"] ) new_scheduler_cfg = self.reinit_lr_cfg or next_tl.get("new_lr_scheduler", None) if new_scheduler_cfg: self.reinit_lr_scheduler( new_lr_scheduler=new_scheduler_cfg, trainer=self.pl_module.trainer, optimizer=optimizer ) FinetuningScheduler.add_optimizer_groups( module=self.pl_module, optimizer=optimizer, thawed_pl=next_tl["params"], lr=next_tl["lr"], no_decay=getattr(self.pl_module, "no_decay", None), )
[docs] def restore_best_ckpt(self) -> None: """Restore the current best model checkpoint, according to :paramref:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts_supporters.FTSCheckpoint.best_model_path`""" assert self.pl_module.trainer is not None # wait for all processes to be ready to restore ckpt before restoring self.pl_module.trainer.strategy.barrier("setup_next_level") # if restarting across multiple depths, need to ensure we're restoring optimizer state appropriately # by resetting optimizer groups and allowing state dict to be reset commensurate w/ ckpt state for opt_idx, optimizer in enumerate(self.pl_module.trainer.optimizers): optimizer.param_groups = BaseFinetuning._apply_mapping_to_param_groups( self._fts_state._fts_ckpt_metadata["best_ckpt_pgs"][opt_idx], dict(self.pl_module.named_parameters()) ) # we're restoring everything but callbacks and loops, otherwise, checkpoint_connector.restore() could be used assert self.pl_module.trainer.checkpoint_callback is not None checkpoint_path = self.pl_module.trainer.checkpoint_callback.best_model_path self.pl_module.trainer._checkpoint_connector.resume_start(checkpoint_path=checkpoint_path) self.pl_module.trainer._checkpoint_connector.restore_datamodule() self.pl_module.trainer._checkpoint_connector.restore_model() # we need to override checkpoint_connector.restore_training_state() to bypass loop restoration # if additional customizations are required, may make sense to subclass CheckpointConnector at some point self._restore_training_state() self.pl_module.trainer._checkpoint_connector.resume_end()
def _restore_training_state(self) -> None: """Restore training state without restoring loops from the pre-loaded checkpoint. This includes the precision settings, optimizer states and learning rate scheduler states. """ assert self.pl_module is not None and self.pl_module.trainer is not None checkpoint_connector = self.pl_module.trainer._checkpoint_connector # restore precision plugin (scaler etc.) checkpoint_connector.restore_precision_plugin_state() # checkpoint_connector.restore_training_state() would restore loops here # self.restore_loops() assert self.pl_module.trainer.state.fn is not None if self.pl_module.trainer.state.fn == TrainerFn.FITTING: # restore optimizers and schedulers state checkpoint_connector.restore_optimizers_and_schedulers()
[docs] def setup(self, trainer: "pl.Trainer", pl_module: "pl.LightningModule", stage: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Validate a compatible :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.strategies.Strategy` strategy is being used and ensure all :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler` callback dependencies are met. If a valid configuration is present, then either dump the default finetuning schedule OR 1. configure the :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts_supporters.FTSEarlyStopping` callback (if relevant) 2. initialize the :attr:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler._fts_state` 3. freeze the target :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.lightning.LightningModule` parameters Finally, initialize the :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler` training session in the training environment. Args: trainer (:external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer`): The :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer` object pl_module (:external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.lightning.LightningModule`): The :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.lightning.LightningModule` object stage: The ``RunningStage.{SANITY_CHECKING,TRAINING,VALIDATING}``. Defaults to None. Raises: SystemExit: Gracefully exit before training if only generating and not executing a finetuning schedule. MisconfigurationException: If the :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.strategies.Strategy` strategy being used is not currently compatible with the :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler` callback. """ trainer.callbacks, added_es_fts, added_ckpt_fts = self._configure_callback_deps(trainer) strategy = trainer.strategy # if we added callbacks for the user after the setup hooks loop was initiated from trainer, we'll need to # explicitly call the setup hooks for those added callbacks if added_ckpt_fts: trainer.checkpoint_callback.setup(trainer, pl_module, stage) # type: ignore[union-attr] if added_es_fts: trainer.early_stopping_callback.setup(trainer, pl_module, stage) # type: ignore[union-attr] assert pl_module is not None and pl_module.trainer is not None supported = [t.lower() for t in self._supported_strategy_types()] if strategy.strategy_name and strategy.strategy_name not in supported: # type: ignore[attr-defined] if not self.allow_untested: raise MisconfigurationException( "FTS is currently experimental and has not yet been adapted for the" " specified distributed strategy please select from currently" f" compatible distributed strategies ({supported})" ) else: warn_msg = ( f"Allowing untested strategy '{strategy.strategy_name}' " # type: ignore[attr-defined] f"because ``allow_untested`` is ``True``." ) rank_zero_warn(warn_msg) if self.gen_ft_sched_only: if trainer.is_global_zero: assert trainer.log_dir is not None _ = self.gen_ft_schedule(pl_module, trainer.log_dir)"Bypassing training, generating finetuning schedule for review and subsequent finetuning") raise SystemExit() else: if not self.epoch_transitions_only: assert isinstance(trainer.early_stopping_callback, FTSEarlyStopping) trainer.early_stopping_callback.final_phase = False trainer.early_stopping_callback.es_phase_complete = False self._fts_state._ft_sync_objects = pl_module.trainer.fit_loop, self._fts_state if trainer.ckpt_path: self._fts_state._resume_fit_from_ckpt = True self.freeze_before_training(pl_module) self.pl_module = pl_module # save pl_module ref for downstream configuration convenience self.init_fts()
[docs] def on_fit_start(self, trainer: "pl.Trainer", pl_module: "pl.LightningModule") -> None: """Before beginning training, ensure an optimizer configuration supported by :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler` is present. Args: trainer (:external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer`): The :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer` object pl_module (:external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.lightning.LightningModule`): The :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.lightning.LightningModule` object Raises: MisconfigurationException: If more than 1 optimizers are configured indicates a configuration error """ if len(trainer.optimizers) > 1: raise MisconfigurationException("fts currently only supports a single-optimizer configuration") super().on_fit_start(trainer, pl_module)
[docs] def state_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Before saving a checkpoint, add the :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler` callback state to be saved. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: The :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler` callback state dictionary that will be added to the checkpoint """ assert self.pl_module is not None and self.pl_module.trainer is not None trainer = self.pl_module.trainer checkpoint_callback = trainer.checkpoint_callback if checkpoint_callback.current_score == checkpoint_callback.best_model_score: # type: ignore[union-attr] self._fts_state._best_ckpt_depth = self._fts_state._curr_depth for opt_idx, _ in enumerate(trainer.optimizers): self._fts_state._fts_ckpt_metadata["best_ckpt_pgs"][opt_idx] = deepcopy( self._internal_optimizer_metadata[opt_idx] ) self._fts_state._fts_ckpt_metadata["current_ckpt_depth"] = self._fts_state._curr_depth self._fts_state._fts_ckpt_metadata["best_ckpt_depth"] = self._fts_state._best_ckpt_depth return { "internal_optimizer_metadata": self._internal_optimizer_metadata, "fts_metadata": self._fts_state._fts_ckpt_metadata, }
[docs] def load_state_dict(self, state_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """After loading a checkpoint, load the saved :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler` callback state and update the current callback state accordingly. Args: state_dict: The :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler` callback state dictionary that will be loaded from the checkpoint """ self._restarting = True self._internal_optimizer_metadata = state_dict["internal_optimizer_metadata"] self._fts_state._fts_ckpt_metadata = state_dict["fts_metadata"] if self._fts_state._resume_fit_from_ckpt: # if resuming training, on_fit_start will already be called # if resuming from a checkpoint, we need to update current fts depth from the used ckpt self._fts_state._curr_depth = self._fts_state._fts_ckpt_metadata["current_ckpt_depth"] # if we're restoring from a non-best ckpt depth, ensure it is the new training incarnation's initial best self._fts_state._best_ckpt_depth = self._fts_state._fts_ckpt_metadata["current_ckpt_depth"]
[docs] def should_transition(self, trainer: "pl.Trainer") -> bool: """Phase transition logic is contingent on whether we are composing :class:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts_supporters.FTSEarlyStopping` criteria with epoch-driven transition constraints or exclusively using epoch-driven transition scheduling. (i.e., :attr:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler.epoch_transitions_only` is ``True``) Args: trainer (:external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer`): The :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer` object """ assert self.pl_module is not None assert isinstance(self.ft_schedule, Dict) early_stopping_callback = trainer.early_stopping_callback curr_max_epoch = ( self.ft_schedule[self.curr_depth]["max_transition_epoch"] if self.depth_remaining > 0 else trainer.fit_loop.max_epochs ) if not self.epoch_transitions_only: # if we're considering FTSEarlyStopping criteria epoch_driven_transition = ( True if not early_stopping_callback.final_phase # type: ignore[union-attr] and (0 <= curr_max_epoch <= trainer.current_epoch) else False ) phase_transition = ( True if early_stopping_callback.es_phase_complete or epoch_driven_transition # type: ignore[union-attr] else False ) else: # we're only considering epoch-driven transition constraints phase_transition = True if 0 <= curr_max_epoch <= trainer.current_epoch else False return phase_transition
[docs] def on_train_epoch_start(self, trainer: "pl.Trainer", pl_module: "pl.LightningModule") -> None: """Before beginning a training epoch, configure the internal :attr:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler._fts_state`, prepare the next scheduled finetuning level and store the updated optimizer configuration before continuing training Args: trainer (:external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer`): The :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer` object pl_module (:external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.lightning.LightningModule`): The :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.lightning.LightningModule` object """ # if resuming from a ckpt, we need to sync fts_state if self._fts_state._resume_fit_from_ckpt: self.step() self._fts_state._resume_fit_from_ckpt = False # increment ft_epoch on each train epoch if trainer.current_epoch > 0: assert self._fts_state._ft_sync_objects is not None self.sync(self._fts_state._ft_sync_objects, self._fts_state._ft_sync_props) if self.should_transition(trainer): self._fts_state._curr_depth += 1 # increment depth self.step() rank_zero_debug( f"Current parameters thawed by the finetuning scheduler: {self._fts_state._curr_thawed_params}. " f"Current depth is {self.curr_depth}." ) if not self.epoch_transitions_only: assert isinstance(trainer.early_stopping_callback, FTSEarlyStopping) trainer.early_stopping_callback.es_phase_complete = False trainer.early_stopping_callback.wait_count = 0 if self.depth_remaining == 0: if not self.epoch_transitions_only: assert isinstance(trainer.early_stopping_callback, FTSEarlyStopping) trainer.early_stopping_callback.final_phase = True # capture optimizer config for all optimizers (though initially we'll only support a single optimizer) for opt_idx, optimizer in enumerate(trainer.optimizers): num_saved_groups = ( len(self._internal_optimizer_metadata[opt_idx]) if opt_idx in self._internal_optimizer_metadata else 0 ) current_param_groups = optimizer.param_groups self._store(pl_module, opt_idx, num_saved_groups, current_param_groups)
[docs] def on_before_zero_grad(self, trainer: "pl.Trainer", pl_module: "pl.LightningModule", optimizer: Optimizer) -> None: """Afer the latest optimizer step, update the :attr:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler._fts_state`, incrementing the global finetuning steps taken Args: trainer (:external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer`): The :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer` object pl_module (:external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.lightning.LightningModule`): The :external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.lightning.LightningModule` object optimizer (:class:`~torch.optim.Optimizer`): The :class:`~torch.optim.Optimizer` to which parameter groups will be configured and added. """ self._fts_state._ft_global_steps += 1
[docs] def on_train_end(self, trainer: "pl.Trainer", pl_module: "pl.LightningModule") -> None: """Synchronize internal :attr:`~finetuning_scheduler.fts.FinetuningScheduler._fts_state` on end of training to ensure final training state is consistent with epoch semantics. Args: trainer (:external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer`): _description_ pl_module (:external+pl:class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.lightning.LightningModule`): _description_ """ assert self._fts_state._ft_sync_objects is not None self.sync(self._fts_state._ft_sync_objects, self._fts_state._ft_sync_props)

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