
Finetuning Scheduler Governance

This document describes governance processes we follow in developing the Finetuning Scheduler.

Persons of Interest


Role: All final decisions related to Finetuning Scheduler.

  • Dan Dale (speediedan) (Finetuning Scheduler author)


Release cadence TBD

Project Management and Decision Making


API Evolution

For API removal, renaming or other forms of backward-incompatible changes, the procedure is:

  1. A deprecation process is initiated at version X, producing warning messages at runtime and in the documentation.

  2. Calls to the deprecated API remain unchanged in their function during the deprecation phase.

  3. Two minor versions in the future at version X+2 the breaking change takes effect.

The “X+2” rule is a recommendation and not a strict requirement. Longer deprecation cycles may apply for some cases.

New API and features are declared as:

  • Experimental: Anything labelled as experimental or beta in the documentation is considered unstable and should

    not be used in production. The community is encouraged to test the feature and report issues directly on GitHub.

  • Stable: Everything not specifically labelled as experimental should be considered stable. Reported issues will be

    treated with priority.

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